Online Voter Information Enquiry System - Regulations

Online Voter Information Enquiry System

The 2023 Final Registers were published on 25 September 2023.

You may search this website to see if you are a registered elector/voter and your existing registration particulars in -

(a) the 2023 Final Register of Electors for Geographical Constituencies / Final Register of Electors for Functional Constituencies / Final Register of Voters for Subsectors; and
(b) the prevailing final register of members of the Election Committee (if applicable);

If you have submitted an application for voter registration or change of registration particulars, you may check your latest registration particulars for the purpose of compilation of the next registers as and when the Registration and Electoral Office has successfully processed the application.

"Online Voter Information Enquiry System" (OVIES) only allows an elector to check his or her own registered particulars. Anyone who checks another elector's registered particulars through the OVIES without the latter's prior written consent may contravene the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).

A registered elector can submit application through “iAM Smart” mobile App, submit online application or send an email to should he/she wish to provide/update the email address to the Registration and Electoral Office, which will be used by this Office for communication purpose and/or (if the elector agrees) by the candidates of the constituencies concerned for sending election mail related to electioneering activities. The candidates may choose to send election mail via email instead of postal delivery for hard copies of such information to the elector.

If you are not yet a registered elector and wish to apply for registration, or if you wish to update your registration particulars (such as name, residential address, telephone or fax numbers), please submit a completed and duly signed "Application for New Registration/Report on Change of Particulars by an Elector in a Geographical Constituency" (REO-GC). When applying for new registration or change of registered address, you are also required to submit together with a valid address proof issued in the last three months. If you have an “iAM Smart+” account with digital signing function or a valid personal digital certificate , you can submit application through "iAM Smart" mobile App ( Click here for the user manual ) or submit online application . You can also submit the completed and duly signed REO-GC form by email (, through the REO e-Form Upload Platform ( ), by post (29/F, Standard Chartered Tower, Millennium City 1, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon) or by fax (2891 1180). For details, you may visit the Voter Registration website ( ).